Ammon News - AMMONNEWS - Prime Minister Hani Mulki Saturday urged the Integrity and Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) to persevere within a clear timeline to finalize dossiers the government had recently referred to the anti-graft body.
In a meeting with ACC president Mohammad Al Allaf, Mulki pledged that the government would offer due support to the institution to enable it to perform its task "with utmost firmness to ensure integrity and punish the corrupt, whoever they happened to be".
Mulki prodded the commission to promptly refer people involved in corruption cases to justice, and asked that their names and pictures be published after their trial and conviction "in line with the letter of law".
He reiterated the government's unwavering commitment to fighting all forms of financial and administrative corruption "at all levels and without hesitation or laxity" and boosting the set of values in public service, adding that corruption, regardless how small or big, amounts to theft from the pockets of Jordanians.
"Corruption is a sudden phenomenon to our society that is perpetrated by a misled few whose real place is jail, not public service", he told the meeting, noting that graft would harm investment and people's interests.
Today's meeting was the latest in a series of encounters and visits that prime minister paid recently to institutions that mostly deal with public money and oversight entities, including Amman Municipality and the land and survey, income and sales tax, and customs departments.
The government recently passed more than 30 corruption cases to the ACC for verification, including manipulation and forgery of labour permits at labour offices.
Last weekend, ACC personnel raided the labour office in Mafraq and detained four staff members on suspicion of corruption involving labour permits.