Ammon News - AMMONNEWS - A Customs Department anti-smuggling patrol Friday seized a vehicle with 42 bags of hashish stashed inside it along with an AK-47 Kalashnikov rifle on the eastern desert road between the border post of Omari and Azraq, it said in a statement.
Director of the department's anti-drug unit, Brig. Damen Al Fawaz, said a customs patrol spotted a suspicious Nissan pickup truck at 8:30 pm south of the oasis town of Azraq, and ordered the driver to stop, but he refused and another person in the vehicle fired shots at the officers.
He said the patrol exchanged fire with the vehicle during a ten-minute chase in which it was hit and came to a halt, forcing its occupants to flee into a nearby farm under the cover of darkness.
A search of the vehicle yielded the drugs, including the hashish bags and some other drug pills as well as the automatic rifle, in addition to 15,000 dinars in cash and three cellular phones, said the statement, adding that the hunt for the smugglers is underway.