Ammon News - AMMONNEWS - A study on Jordan's nuclear program showed that 46 percent of the national opinion sample and 51 percent of the opinion leaders sample believe that Jordan does not currently have a source to produce energy that guarantees stability in electricity prices.
According o the study, which was prepared by the Center for Strategic Studies at the University of Jordan, 73 percent of national sample respondents described the electricity situation in Jordan as stable, while 27 percent said it was unstable. "The majority of the national opinion sample believe that there is a need to diversify energy resources," the study said.
The results of the study were revealed in a press conference that was held by Director of the Center Musa Shtewi on Wednesday.
On Jordan's nuclear program for peaceful uses, 6 percent of the national opinion sample and 17 percent of the opinion leaders sample said they read about this program, while 54 percent of the national opinion sample said they did read about it.
According to the study, 73 percent of the national sample and 66 percent of the opinion leaders sample said time has come for Jordan to start its nuclear project. 77 percent of the national opinion sample and 66 percent of the opinion leaders sample said nuclear energy should be a top strategic priority for the government. 79 percent of the national opinion sample and 73 percent of the opinion leaders sample said Jordan should own nuclear energy if neighboring countries do so," the study revealed.
The study aimed at measuring knowledge about Jordan's Jordan nuclear program for peaceful uses, energy problem in Jordan, opinion of citizens about the peaceful uses of energy resources as well as concerns of Jordanian over the peaceful uses of nuclear energy in Jordan.