Egypt executes 'supporter' of Muslim Brotherhood

07-03-2015 12:57 PM

Ammon News - AMMONNEWS - Egypt has executed a convict accused of murder during clashes in mid-2013, the first death sentence implemented against a supporter of the banned Muslim Brotherhood under President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, according to the Interior Ministry.

Mahmoud Hassan Ramadan Abdel-Nabi, who was not officially part of the Brotherhood, was hanged in relation to an incident where children were thrown from a building during riots after the overthrow of elected Islamist President Mohamed Morsi, the ministry said in a statement on its Facebook page on Saturday.

The army removed Morsi in July 2013 following mass protests against his rule.

Egyptian courts have since sentenced hundreds of alleged Muslim Brotherhood supporters to death, many in mass trials condemned by foreign governments and rights groups as violating international law.


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