Ammon News - AMMONNEWS - Qatar Red Crescent Society (QRCS) held the second al Amal " Hope" charity bazaar for Syrian refugee women products and handicrafts to support women in Zaatri Camp for Syrian refugee and othe refugee women.
The bazaar included 500 piece of hand-products, Food, dresses and accessories set up and made by 170 trained refugee women in Zaatri camp, north of Jordan, along with other Syrian refugee women outside the camp.
The chief of QRC mission in Jordan, Atef Dalgamouni said that such events raised awareness about the reality of the deteriorating situation in Syria.
" it is a long-term support especially when these women sell their products and feel they are independent and productive." Dalgaamouni said.
The event attended by many human rights activists, international organizations, diplomats and dozens of Syrian refugees supporters in Jordan.
Proceeds will go toward Syrian refugee women in Jordan, which now number nearly 600,000 and are having trouble coping with their hard living conditions.
QRC opened the bazaar for one day in Amman, with help and cooperation of Jordan Red Crescent (JRC) and Syria Relief organization.