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Syrian Assad Republic or Syrian Arab Republic?

07-09-2013 02:02 AM

By Abdelrahman Mitib Altakhaineh

Assad’s family has been ruling the Syrian Arab Republic since 1970 until now. It began when President Hafez al - Assad came to the rule then Bashar al-Assad's ascent to power following the death of his father, Hafiz al-Assad, on June 10, in a purely hereditary manner. Beside changing the entire construction of any republic all over the world by ruling for more than 40 years, the family robbed and enslaved more than 80 % of the Syrian people and divested them of their rights and the others, the family and those in charge, remained "elite" in the rule and plunder the bounties of the country under the name of " Nationalism." Today, after a speech delivered by U.S. Secretary of State, John Kerry, on August 26, which lay the foundation for possible military action in Syria in response to a gas attack last week outside Damascus, we have started seeing some of those who claim to Arab nationalism demonstrating in Jordan and some other countries to support Bashar al-Assad. I really started wondering if Bashar left the throne, is Syria going to be ruled by aliens. Here, I would like to say, "Nationalist ..... You are all losers. "

Currently, we are facing a complex situation in Syria because of Iran's support and its allies in the area such as « Allat Party » and others. Additionally, Russia has been supporting the regime of Bashar al-Assad. Those factors led to the delivery of the revolution to a complex stage and made Syria offer a lot of martyrs. Here, I think it is unlikely that the American strike will cause a radical change on the ground due to the factors in question. Up to the publication of this article, more than two hundred thousand were killed in Syria. Therefore, the negotiation between the current regime and opposition parties is not possible. Also, there is another problematic issue related to the radical Islamist groups among the opposition fighters which can be a bad omen for what may come after President Bashar al - Assad. Despite of all this, the Syrian Revolution will win the war against Bashar, all radical groups and extremists. Furthermore, Syria will remain an Arab country away from the nationalists.

Finally, I would like to say that the drums of war knock on the doors of my beloved Syria. I also hope that Jordan will not be a part of the war in Syria. I also believe that there is no threat to Jordan despite announcing decisions by Jordanian government regarding plans to deal with the current chemical events in Syria. Viva Jordan, the home of Arab nation and all asylum seekers from all over the world, and May Almighty save its free army.

* Abdelrahman Mitib Altakhaineh is a PhD Candidate in Language and Linguistics at Newcastle University, England. He contributed this article to Ammon News English.

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