Top Hamas leaders visit Turkey for talks with Erdogan: official

19-06-2013 09:37 AM

Ammon News - GAZA (Xinhua) - Senior leaders of the Islamic Hamas movement will arrive in Turkey later on Tuesday for talks with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, a Hamas official said.

Hamas Political Bureau Chief Khaled Meshaal and his deputy Ismail Haneya will hold a meeting with Erdogan to discuss the latest development in the Palestinian territories, Izzat Resheq, a member of Hamas politburo, said in a message posted on his Facebook page.

Ahmed Youssef, a former adviser to Haneya, however, told Xinhua that the visit will tackle the worsening situation in Syria and the role played by Hamas to bring an end to the Syrian crisis.

"Hamas is raising the level of coordination to seek solutions to the Syrian crisis and its dangerous regional consequences," said Youssef.

Hamas' leaders are heading for Turkey from Egypt, where they held talks with Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi on the Syrian conflict.

The meeting tackled ways to resolve the Syrian crisis, Youssef said.

Following the violent unrest in Syria that erupted over two years ago, Hamas, which has been controlled the Gaza Strip, supported the opposition against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and withdrew its politburo leadership from their long-time base in Damascus.

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