Host countries of Palestinian refugees reject decline in UNRWA services

25-11-2012 12:00 AM

Ammon News - AMMONNEWS - Director General of the Department Palestinian Affairs (DPA) Mahmoud Aqrabawi said that host countries of Palestinian refugees reject any decline in the quality of services provided by UNRWA to refugees under the pretext of its budget deficit.

In remarks at a coordination meeting for Arab host countries of Palestinian refugees, Aqrabawi urged donor countries to support UNRAWA's budget to enable it to continue its services to the refugees in the educational, health and social fields, until their issue is solved in accordance with international legitimacy resolutions.

The UN agency provides services to around 5 million Palestinian refugees in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

"The meeting reflects Jordan's keenness to activate joint Arab action and come up with a joint vision on UNRWA", he said, adding that Arab host countries will not shoulder additional burden due to this deficit which will affect the level of services offered to the refugees. Head of the participating delegations reviewed services provided to the refugees, urging donor countries to fulfill their commitments to UNRWA.


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