Ammon News - By Foreign Policy
Czech troops are in Jordan, providing technical expertise in case Syria's massive stockpile of chemical weapons is somehow unleashed by the Assad regime, rebels, or terrorists.
"We do have the traditional CBRN [chemical, biological, radialogical, nuclear warfare] specialization, we have our anti-chemical units in the Gulf, in Kuwait . . . we do have some even in Afghanistan, we do have some cooperation now with Jordan because of the danger with Syria," Czech Defense Minister Alexandr Vondra told Killer Apps yesterday while discussing the Czech military's special role within NATO: dealing with CBRN threats.
While there are reports of some of the Syrian government's advanced Russian-made SA-24 handheld surface-to-air missiles falling into rebel hands, we have yet to see evidence of Assad's chemical or biological weapons making their way out of their supposedly secure storage sites although there are reports of government troops moving the chem/bio weapons in an effort to keep them safe. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta recently told the White House that any military effort to secure Syria's chemical weapons would take tens of thousands of troops.