'Jordanians owe a great deal to security forces', Maytah

21-11-2012 12:00 AM

Ammon News - Amman, (Petra) All Jordanians owe a lot to military and security forces for their national duty to protect the citizens' right to a normal and secure life, Minister of State for media Affairs and Communications and Culture Minister Samih Maytah said.

In remarks he made while visiting public security and gendarmerie personnel at Al Hussein medical Centre who were injured in fuel riots last week, he said that Jordanians are "the nation's strongest shield and first line of defence as they spontaneously came out and spoke against those who broke the law and vandalized property." "The people of Jordan had sent a message that Jordan is protected by its people's conviction and faith that national stability comes first, in addition to the great role of the military and security establishment," added Maytah, who was accompanied on the visit by directors of official media institutions.

Relatives of the injured men hailed government agencies for the care given to their loved ones.

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