PM briefs British minister on Jordan's reform process

20-11-2012 12:00 AM

Ammon News - AMMAN (Petra)--Prime Minister Abdullah Ensour on Monday received Parliamentary Undersecretary of State at the UK and Commonwealth Office Alistair Burt, currently on a visit to the Kingdom within a tour of the region.

The prime minister expressed appreciation of the British government for supporting Jordan in hosting Syrian refugees, pointing to pressure they place on the Kingdom's meager resources.

Ensour reviewed the Kingdom's comprehensive reform march led by His Majesty King Abdullah II, adding Jordan is committed to holding parliamentary elections on the date set for these elections.

He also reviewed measures that have been taken by the government to achieve economic reforms, the last of which was lifting subsidies on fuel prices.

The government, he added, offered cash subsidies to low and medium income families to ensure that they would not be affected by the rise in fuel prices.

The premier also spoke of a decision taken by the Cabinet yesterday to restructure independent state agencies as part of the government's efforts to slash public expenditure. He said priority should be given to boosting the development process, creating job opportunities and curbing unemployment.

The British minister voiced his country's keenness to enhance relations with Jordan and hailed Jordan's role in hosting Syrian refugees and providing them basic services.

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