Customs Department foils attempts to smuggle weapons

19-11-2012 12:00 AM

Ammon News - AMMONNEWS - Jordan Customs Department (JCD) personnel in the southern region foiled an attempt to smuggle weapons and other goods.

In a press release issued on Monday, JCD said they seized 108 sets of cigarettes, 17 liters of alcohol, 84 car spare parts, 5 car radios and 12 speakers at the Wadi al-Yutum Customs Center.

"A 7 mm caliber pistol and another 9 mm caliber one were seized during a vehicle inspection" they added, noting that the smuggler was referred to the concerned authorities.

JCD Director General Maj. Gen. Ghaleb Sarayreh stressed the importance of the continuous supervision on the border crossings to combat smuggling of all types and serve the national economy.


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