Jordan calls for immediate end to Israeli aggression on Gaza

18-11-2012 12:00 AM

Ammon News -
AMMAN (Petra)Jordan reiterated its call for an immediate end to the Israeli offensive in the Gaza Strip and voiced its strong condemnation and rejection of the aggression on the Palestinian people.

State Minister for Media Affairs and the Government's Spokesperson Samih Maaytah said Jordan, under the leadership of His Majesty King Abdullah II, is doing its utmost to put an end to the Israeli aggression through its relations with the international community.

He said the Royal directives to enhance capabilities of Jordan's military field hospital in Gaza is a practical and an effective measure as it would help the Palestinian brethren in confronting the Israeli aggression.

Maaytah warned against the repercussions of the Israeli aggressive policies on the stability of the region, urging world powers to shoulder their role in protecting the Palestinians and ending the Israeli onslaught.

The minister also pointed to the negative impact of the Israeli policies which hamper political efforts and the peace process that should grant the Palestinians their rights, mainly an independent and viable state.

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