10 Syrian Mortar Shells Land on Jordanian Border Town

19-11-2012 12:00 AM

Ammon News - From Qusai Ja'aroun

AMMONNEWS - 10 Syrian mortar shells landed on the Jordanian border town of Turra on Sunday, stirring fear among local residents.

The six mortar shells landed consecutively in Turra, a town on the Jordanian-Syrian border near Ramtha about 90 kilometers northwest of Amman, a security source confirmed the reports in statements to Ammon News.

Jordanian military forces rushed to the area to investigate the incident and urged citizens to remain far from the areas where the missiles landed.

No injuries were reported from the incident.

Local residents reported that the fall of the mortar shells stirred fear among local residents of the remote town, considering that Syrian army missiles struck the town in past months.

In October, an errant missile launched by the Syrian army landed inside the town of Turra.

Several missiles had landed previously in Turra as a result of clashes in the Syrian border town of Daraa between the Syrian regime army and the Free Syrian Army.

In September, five rocket shells struck near inhabited areas in Ramtha, and about 9 more shells hit areas nearby the borders. One child was injured in the incident that caused major havoc and fear among border-area residents.

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