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Crown Prince joins Army Day celebration

11-06-2010 12:00 AM

Ammon News - AMMONNEWS- Deputizing for His Majesty King Abdullah II, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Hussein Bin Abdullah II on Thursday joined top military and civic officials at an armed forces celebration marking Army Day and the Great Arab Revolt anniversary.

Upon arrival at the Martyr's Monument in Amman for the ceremony, the Crown Prince was welcomed by Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Lt.

Gen Meshal Zaben as a military band played the national anthem and an armed forces unit fired a 21-gun salute.

After he toured the memorial site, Prince Hussein watered an olive tree while an armed forces brass band played Beating Retreat.

The Crown Prince also signed the visitor's book.

The Ceremony was attended by HRH Prince Faisal Bin Al Hussein, the regent, and Their Royal Highnesses princes Hamza, Hashem and Rashed Bin Al Hassan.

Also in attendance were Prime Minister Samir Samir Rifai, Senate President Taher Al Masri as well as the President of the Judicial Council, the Royal Court Chief, the King's Adviser, and the directors of Civil Defense, Gendarmerie and Public Security and a number of high-ranking military officials.


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