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Jordan advances 9 ranks in Global Knowledge Index 2024

03-02-2025 02:44 PM

Ammon News - Jordan climbed nine positions in the 2024 Global Knowledge Index, ranking 88th out of 141 countries, compared to 97th place out of 133 countries in 2023.

According to the annual report on the progress of the Economic Modernization Vision 2023-2025, the government has adopted an executive action plan to enhance Jordan’s standing in various global indicators. The plan, developed by the Economic Modernization Committee, has been disseminated to all relevant national institutions.

As part of its efforts, the government formulated a roadmap to improve Jordan’s ranking in the Global Innovation Index and worked closely with institutions to implement it. Additionally, it reviewed institutional inputs to develop a targeted improvement strategy, the report noted.

The government has finalized and approved the enhancement plan for the Global Innovation Index, instructing relevant national bodies to execute it within the designated timeframes, it added. Petra

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