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Cabinet approves updated Economic Modernization Vision for 2025

02-02-2025 12:20 PM

Ammon News - The Cabinet approved Sunday the updated executive program for the Economic Modernization Vision for 2025, which began implementation in 2023, during a session chaired by Prime Minister Jafar Hassan.

"The updated executive program builds on previous initiatives with modifications made following extensive consultation with the private sector," Prime Minister Hassan said.

He noted that reviews identified some delayed programs from previous years, which will be prioritized for completion where possible in 2025.

The prime minister emphasized that the program represents a government commitment to citizens, Parliament, and media outlets.

"Its proper implementation requires sincere efforts and genuine partnership with the private sector, which has been involved since the vision's inception," he said.

Planning for the next phase has already begun, with the government set to develop the 2026-2029 executive program during the second quarter of this year.

"We aim to complete it by summer to inform the 2026 budget preparation, which we hope to finalize with Parliament before year-end," Hassan explained.

The prime minister directed ministries to begin capital expenditure disbursement without delay and according to priorities to ensure timely project implementation.

He stressed the importance of integrated government operations, emphasizing continued activation of monitoring units within ministries and the Government Performance and Achievement Follow-up Unit at the Prime Ministry.

"We are accountable for our commitments before His Majesty the King, Parliament, and citizens. There is no room for delay or negligence," Hassan stated.

Rafat Dasan, Director of the Government Performance and Achievement Follow-up Unit, briefed the Cabinet on key projects for 2025.

He explained that this year concludes the first executive program (2023-2025) of the Economic Modernization Vision, which established foundations for subsequent programs in 2026-2029 and 2030-2033.

The government will issue quarterly progress reports on initiatives and projects through the government performance monitoring system, available on the Prime Ministry's website.

The Performance Unit has been restructured to enhance its oversight role, with appropriate governance mechanisms established for ministerial monitoring units.

Detailed information about 2025 initiatives and projects, along with progress updates, is available on the performance dashboard at

The government has also published its 2024 executive program progress report on the same platform under general performance reports. Petra

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