Ammon News - Ammon News- Ahmad Alhyari- The summary of current expenditures for the civil service in the 2025 draft budget law revealed the allocation of JD74.628 million for employees on fixed-term contracts, with the allocation of these contracts rising to JD109.6 million in 2026, according to the budget estimates.
Interestingly, this item did not have any allocations in 2023 and also for the current year- 2024.
This provision follows the new Human Resources Law, which came into effect in the middle of 2024, after its publication in the Official Gazette, which defined the mechanism for appointing new government employees, setting a trial period and a time contract linked to performance evaluation, and relying on the principle of open advertisement.
The system, which was reviewed by Ammon, stipulates that the most qualified employee who meets the job competencies and experiences necessary to fill the vacant position according to the job description card.