Ammon News - Ministry of Finance data showed that Jordan's total public debt reached JD41.751 billion as of the end of March of 2024, including the debt owed to the Social Security Investment Fund (SSIF), constituting 114.3% of the gross domestic product.
Data from the Ministry of Finance indicated that the size of the government’s debt to the SSIF reached JD9.214 billion by the end of March of 2024.
The government debt balance, after excluding what is held by the SSIF, amounted to JD32,537.8 billion, or 89.1% of the gross domestic product for the month of March of 2024, compared to 89.5% at the end of 2023, the Ministry data indicated.
Data from the Central Bank of Jordan (CBJ) also showed that the government borrowed JD2.9 billion through the offering of bonds and treasury bills during the first half of 2024.
The bank issued 21 issues of treasury bonds on behalf of the government amounting to JD2.650 billion during the first half of 2024. the bank also issued on behalf of the government two issues of treasury bills amounting to JD250 million, according the CBJ.
The data indicated that the bank also issued treasury bills in US dollars amounting to $440 million during the first half of 2024. Al-Mamlaka