EMRC begins applying time-related electricity tariff Monday

01-07-2024 10:21 AM

Ammon News - The Energy and Minerals Regulatory Commission (EMRC) began on Monday applying time-related electric tariffs to the sectors of electric vehicle charging, telecommunications, medium and large industries, extractive industries, and water pumping (optional).

The new tariff is divided into three time periods: Peak, partial peak (two periods), and off-peak

The announced tariffs for peak electricity prices from 17:00 to 23:00 are: Extractive Industrial 226 (fils/kWh), Large Industrial 130, Medium Industrial 79, Telecom 152, Vehicle/Household Charging 160, Vehicle/Public Station Charging without commission 133, and Water Pumping Optional 106.

Off-peak from 05:00 to 14:00: Extractive Industrial 206 (fils/kWh), Large Industrial 110, Medium Industrial 59, Telecom 132, Vehicle/Home Charging 108, Vehicle/Public Station Charging without commission 103, Optional Water Pumping 86.

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