Abbas: Palestinian government ready to take over its responsibilities in Gaza

11-06-2024 03:13 PM

Ammon News - Addressing the "Gaza Emergency Humanitarian Response Conference’ held in Jordan, President Mahmoud Abbas called on friends and brothers of Palestine to support the humanitarian assistance programs presented to the conference in order to provide relief to the disaster-stricken Palestinian people.

The President said that the time had come to put a stop to the genocide committed against the Palestinian people in Gaza for the past eight months. He also stressed the need to put an end to the crimes committed against Palestinians in the West Bank, including Jerusalem, by the occupation and its terrorist colonists.

President Abbas called on the UN Security Council and all parties of the international community to pressure Israel to open all land crossings with the Gaza Strip and hand over control to the new Palestinian government.

The President stated that the government has presented its agenda for the provision of relief, the restoration of basic services, as well as for institutional reform and financial and economic stability, stressing the government's readiness to take over its responsibilities in the Gaza Strip, including over the Gaza crossings, as it does in the West Bank.

President Abbas emphasized the necessity of continuing efforts to achieve an immediate and permanent ceasefire and the withdrawal of all Israeli forces from the entire Gaza Strip to pave the way for the establishment of the State of Palestine and its full assumption of responsibilities.

The President reiterated that a political solution based on international legitimacy resolutions and the Arab Initiative requires Palestine’s obtainment of full membership in the United Nations and the recognition of more countries of Palestinian statehood.

President Abbas thanked King Abdullah II, President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi and UN Secretary-General António Guterres for convening this important conference to provide urgent humanitarian aid to the Palestinian people.

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