Domestic revenues record JD760.7mln in January 2024

29-05-2024 04:46 PM

Ammon News - Domestic revenues surged in January 2024 to JD760.7 million, marking a JD26.4 million increase compared to the same period last year, effectively covering current expenses at 105.7 percent.

This upturn stems from a JD20.5 million boost in tax revenues and a JD5.8 million rise in non-tax revenues.

Regarding public spending, the central government's total expenditure for January amounted to about JD739.6 million, down from JD749.8 million in the previous year's same month.

These developments resulted in a post-aid financial surplus of approximately JD26.6 million, contrasting with a JD7.2 million deficit recorded previously. Petra

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