Jordan transfers experience in combating epidemics to Yemen

22-05-2024 12:53 PM

Ammon News - Representatives of the Jordanian National Center for Epidemiology and Communicable Diseases Control (JCDC), during their meeting with a delegation from the Yemeni health sector, discussed the mechanism for transferring Jordanian expertise to brothers in Yemen to establish a public health center.

This came on the sidelines of the meeting recently organized by the Regional Office of the World Health Organization (WHO), according to a statement issued by the JCDC on Wednesday.

The meeting aimed to enhance joint cooperation between the two sides, and to benefit from the Jordanian experience in establishing a national center concerned with public health.

The Yemeni delegation was briefed on the JCDC’s work mechanism and tasks, its major role in the field of public health, the most important achievements its ha achieved in the past period, and the prominent challenges that accompanied its founding phase.

The JCDC always seeks to build effective partnerships with various national, regional and international bodies under the slogan "Partners for Health Security."

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