Including 9 Jordanians .. Stranded volunteer doctors leave Gaza Strip

21-05-2024 01:59 PM

Ammon News - Director General of the Specialized Hospital and Vice President of the Gaza Health Initiative, Dr. Fawzi Al-Hammouri, said on Tuesday, that he appreciates His Majesty King Abdullah II, for the exceptional efforts in facilitating the evacuation of the medical team that had been working as volunteers at the European Gaza Hospital in Khan Yunis since last April, and were not unable to leave the Gaza Strip due to the occupation army’s closure of the Rafah crossing.

His Majesty the King responded to the appeal to evacuate the medical team, as His Majesty directed the members of the Jordanian Armed Forces, who in turn transported the team through the Karam Abu Salem crossing Tuesday at 1:00 pm.

Al-Hammouri stated that the medical team consists of 16 doctors and nurses, including 9 Jordanians and 7 of Omani, Egyptian, American and Australian nationality, who insisted on leaving together as they entered, and they are now on their way to the homeland.

He praised the volunteer medical team who played a heroic role in helping the brothers in the Gaza Strip.

Al-Hammouri also praised the efforts made by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriate Affairs, the Jordanian Armed Forces - the Arab Army, and everyone who contributed to ensuring their safe return to their families.

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