Mubaidin inaugurates Jordan Media Forum

21-05-2024 11:23 AM

Ammon News - Minister of Government Communications and government spokesperson Muhannad Mubaidin, confirmed that the government is committed to facilitating journalists’ access to information.

During the opening speech of the Jordan Forum for Media and Digital Communication, in the presence of Arab and international media, under the patronage of Prime Minister Bisher Khasawneh, Mubaidin said that the government is moving to launch a new communication path to help any journalist obtain information from any government institution he wants.

Within a month the government will issue a scientific study on the state of government communication and provide its information to journalists, Mubaidin stated.

The forum, which is held to celebrate the silver jubilee of His Majesty assuming his constitutional powers and Jordan's 78th independence anniversary, discusses the issues and challenges facing the Arab media industry, and provides innovative solutions to enhance professional ethics and media freedom and keep pace with developments in the field of media and digital communication.

The two-day forum includes eight sessions in which more than thirty Jordanian, Arab and international speakers participate, to discuss topics related to the challenges facing media and communication, in light of technological and digital development.

On the sidelines of the forum, an exhibition will be held in which many Arab and local channels and pioneering companies in the digital transformation of media will participate.

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