PM stresses gov’t commitment in working to achieve political, economic and administrative modernisation

18-05-2024 03:28 PM

Ammon News - Prime Minister Bisher Khasawneh stressed Saturday the government’s commitment to working continuously to achieve political, economic and administrative modernisation, noting that public sector modernisation is the cornerstone of comprehensive modernisation.

The prime minister said in his speech during the opening session of a forum held by the government to highlight progress in implementing public sector modernisation, that the public sector modernisation roadmap extends over 10 years, concluding in 2033, and will be implemented over three phases, noting that the government launched the first phase for 2022-2025, which includes 33 strategic goals and includes 206 initiatives.

The roadmap covers developing services, institutions, and legislation, and includes elements to develop human resources, government services, procedures and digitisation, structure and governance, policymaking and decision-making, legislation, and institutional culture.

Noting that the roadmap was drafted by representatives of the public and private sectors, as well as civil society institutions, Prime Minister Khasawneh said that during 2023, 90 per cent of the year’s priorities were completed, with the automation of 49 per cent of government services.

Comprehensive service centres also started operation at the Queen Alia International Airport, Irbid, and Mugabalein, with nearly 2 million processes completed, according to the prime minister, who added that eight new service centres will be launched or revamped in several governorates.

The government also reviewed a number of laws to remove administrative and bureaucratic hurdles, and revised some procedures in line with the Economic Modernisation Vision, while also endorsing the Human Resources Strategy for 2023-2027.

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