Bulgaria offers full scholarships for Jordanian students

16-05-2024 01:04 PM

Ammon News - The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research revealed Thursday that the Bulgarian government has allocated three full scholarships for academic pursuits in Jordan.

The scholarships, aimed at fostering educational collaboration between the two nations, cover bachelor's, master's, or doctoral degrees for the academic year 2024/2025.

In a statement issued by the ministry, it was disclosed that the scholarships are distributed equitably, with one scholarship allocated for each academic level. However, it's essential to note that the scholarships exclude medical, sports, and arts specialties.

The scholarships encompass a comprehensive range of expenses, including tuition fees, preparatory year fees, residence fees, residency extension fees, visa fees, and health insurance.

Additionally, recipients will have access to government-supported student housing upon payment of a stipulated amount and can avail themselves of student dining facilities by meeting the prescribed terms and conditions for Bulgarian students.

Candidates are required to be proficient in the Bulgarian language, as it will be the medium of instruction during the preparatory year. Furthermore, eligibility criteria dictate that applicants must have attained a minimum rank of "good" in their respective previous academic qualifications.

For engineering specializations at the bachelor's level, a high school certificate average of not less than 80 percent is required, while other specializations mandate a minimum average of 65 percent, excluding medical, sports, and arts disciplines.

Interested students are instructed to complete the application form attached to the announcement and submit it, along with the necessary documents in PDF format, to dsa@mohe.gov.jo. The application window commences on May 15 and closes on May 23.

The essential documents to be included with the application comprise a copy of the passport and a duly certified copy of the previous academic qualifications in English.

Additionally, candidates will be nominated competitively, with one primary and one alternative student selected for each program.

To ascertain the list of Bulgarian universities recognized by the Ministry, applicants are directed to visit https://rce.mohe.gov.jo.

Moreover, students are required to adhere to the guidelines for the equivalency of non-Jordanian certificates for the year 2023.


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