Jordanian woman gives birth on flight from Jordan to London

11-03-2024 10:48 AM

Ammon News - A 38-year-old Jordanian woman gave birth on a commercial flight from Jordan to London -Luton Airport- last Saturday morning.

A doctor flying home from holiday has described the "miraculous" moment he helped a woman give birth mid-flight, according to BBC.

Hassan Khan said the flight from Amman, Jordan, to London Luton Airport, was two hours in on Saturday morning when the crew called for a doctor.

She gave birth to a healthy girl, Mr Khan said.

He said the plane was diverted to Brindisi Airport, in southern Italy, so the woman and her child could be taken to hospital.

Khan also explained how his experience in neonatal resuscitation helped him bring the baby to full health after she came out "a little bit blue".

Mr Khan, used nothing but towels during the delivery.

"She was quite stressed about the whole situation but, through the translator, I managed to reassure her that I do have a bit of experience with newborns."

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