Israel has killed 13,430 Gaza children since October 7th

04-03-2024 03:59 PM

Ammon News - The number of slain Palestinian children has risen to 13,430, and women to 8,900, since the beginning of the ongoing Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip since October 7th, medical sources said on Monday, according to WAFA.

They added that 364 health personnel were killed, and 269 others, including hospital directors, were detained in the period of 150 days of the aggression.

The sources indicated that the occupation destroyed 155 health institutions, put 32 hospitals and 53 health centers out of service, and targeted 126 ambulances.

They described the health situation in the Gaza Strip as extremely catastrophic as a result of the failure to bring in the necessary medical aid, pointing out that the occupation deliberately caused an unspeakable humanitarian and health disaster, which contributed to the spread of epidemics and infectious diseases.

The same sources pointed out that about one million cases of infectious diseases had been monitored, warning of the seriousness of the health situation in the Gaza Strip, in light of the lack of medical capabilities necessary to treat them.


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