Safadi to GCC countries: Our security is one and our interest is common

03-03-2024 02:40 PM

Ammon News - Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriate Affairs, Ayman Safadi, said on Sunday that he looks forward during that joint ministerial meeting between Jordan and the Gulf Cooperation Council countries (GCC), to strengthening cooperation in various fields.

Issues that have witnessed remarkable progress in terms of joint cooperation in tourism, trade and investment, Safadi noted, adding that "we look forward to increase cooperation, and I hope that they will meet in the next stage in order to develop a time plan."

Safadi also pointed out that that cooperation between Jordan and the GCC is considered a necessity, adding that "Our security is one and our interest is common, and our ability to confront what is common increases the more we work together."

"We are all working to stop the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, and to deliver sufficient humanitarian aid," he stressed, noting that Israel is still working to prevent the entry of aid.

The minister pointed out that he looks forward to working not to develop bilateral relations with the Gulf states, but to end the Israeli aggression and find real horizons for achieving a just and comprehensive peace, which our region has not enjoyed as long as the occupation continues.

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