Crown Prince attends ‘Crown Prince Foundation .. A Path to Opportunities’ event

27-02-2024 09:18 AM

Ammon News - His Royal Highness Crown Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II on Monday attended "the Crown Prince Foundation... A Path to Opportunities” event‎, which included the launch of the foundation’s new processes and programmes, as well as its new visual identity.

Speaking at the event held at the Royal Cultural Centre, Crown Prince Foundation (CPF) Chairman Ghassan Nuqul highlighted Crown Prince Al Hussein’s support for young Jordanians and his belief in them, stressing the foundation’s commitment to implementing that vision.

Nuqul reviewed the foundation’s action plan during the upcoming phase, as well as its achievements in various initiatives, programmes, and platforms, noting that employability rates of Al Hussein Technical University graduates, which is one of the foundation’s initiatives, is 100 percent.

A total of 24 new branches of the CPF were inaugurated across several governorates, he added.

For her part, CPF CEO Tamam Mango announced the foundation’s new tracks: leadership, sustainable social development, and economic participation.

The tracks include establishing an advanced vocational training college to oversee a number of vocational training centres in Jordan and provide them with the latest equipment to enhance the quality of technical and vocational training.

The event witnessed the launch of a number of CPF programmes, as well as the rebranding of several of the foundation’s initiatives.

A number of CPF beneficiaries also spoke about their experiences and success stories.

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