Mild weather conditions in most regions on Monday

26-02-2024 09:19 AM

Ammon News - The Jordan Meteorological Department forecast a slight increase in temperatures on Monday, surpassing the seasonal averages by approximately 2 to 3 degrees Celsius. This uptick promises pleasantly warm conditions across most regions, with relative warmth anticipated in the valleys, the Dead Sea, and Aqaba.

On Tuesday, temperatures are set to marginally decrease, ushering in relatively cooler weather throughout much of the country. Cloud cover is expected at varying elevations, accompanied by intermittent rain showers, particularly in the northern territories and select areas in the central and eastern regions. Thunderstorms may occur sporadically, and limited precipitation could also grace parts of the southwest, albeit briefly.

Wednesday's forecast indicates a continuation of relatively cool conditions in most areas, contrasting with the warmer temperatures anticipated in the valleys, the Dead Sea, and Aqaba.

Today, across different regions of Jordan, temperatures vary significantly. In East Amman, they range between 18 and 9 degrees Celsius, while in West Amman, they range from 16 to 7 degrees Celsius. Moving to the Northern Highlands, temperatures are between 15 and 6 degrees Celsius, and in the Southern Highlands, they range from 16 to 5 degrees Celsius. Meanwhile, along the Gulf of Aqaba, temperatures are notably higher, ranging from 27 to 15 degrees Celsius. Petra

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