Jordan denies establishing bridge to transport goods to Israel across borders

25-02-2024 11:19 AM

Ammon News - Prime Minister, Dr. Bishr Khasawneh, denied on Sunday the existence of any land or sea bridge transporting goods to the Israeli occupation via Jordan.

Khasawneh said that talking about a land or sea bridge is a 'matter of imagination'.

He also stressed that this stigma is a response to those who try to question of the Jordanian official and popular position, which is mixed and cohesive and supports the Palestinian people.

The transportation arrangements to, from, and across Jordan have not undergone any change from what they were in the last 25 years, he stated.

The Prime Minister stressed that there is no country in the world in which the head of state personally took a military plane, over an area where there were fierce military operations, to personally contribute to the effort to land humanitarian aid to the steadfast people in the Gaza Strip.

He stressed that there is no country that has maintained a bridge of communication and humanitarian support through humanitarian aid dropped by Air Force aircraft, initially alone and then in partnership with friendly and brotherly countries.

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