Princess Sumaya meets Army Cheif

20-02-2024 02:15 PM

Ammon News - Her Royal Highness Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan, President of the Royal Scientific Society (RSS), met Monday with Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Major General Yousef Hunaiti and senior officers of the Armed Forces during their visit to the RSS and the Princess Sumaya University of Technology.

During the meeting attended by vice presidents of the association and university faculty deans, Princess Sumaya expressed pride in the armed forces, loyal soldiers under the banner of Supreme Commander, His Majesty King Abdullah II, praising their role in safeguarding national security and citizens and defending borders.

Princess Sumaya emphasized the armed forces' crucial role in mitigating natural disasters' impact, citing their efforts in Turkey and Syria after the devastating earthquake. She also commended their humanitarian initiatives, including building field hospitals in Palestine and the Gaza Strip to alleviate suffering and bolster resilience.

Hunaiti highlighted the importance of cybersecurity advancements to protect individuals, businesses, and infrastructure, and emphasized the role of artificial intelligence in defense operations. He stressed the need for research and development to enhance Jordan's capabilities and address challenges effectively.

The visit showcased research projects related to defense needs and industries, covering cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, digital image processing, encryption, and drone systems. These projects reflect joint research efforts between the Jordan Armed Forces and Princess Sumaya University for Technology.

The presentation included an applied project in optical communications developed at the University, highlighting ongoing innovation and collaboration in technological advancements. Petra

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