Crown Prince quotes from his late grandfather Al Hussein’s letter: "I have known you to love your country"

07-02-2024 12:06 PM

Ammon News - His Royal Highness Crown Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II on Wednesday quoted from a letter from his grandfather, the late King Hussein bin Talal, to his father, King Abdullah II, saying: "I have known you—my son, whom I raised with my own hands—to love your country."

This came on the anniversary of the Day of Loyalty and Allegiance, which falls on Wednesday, as the Crown Prince published a picture on his official Instagram account of his grandfather, the late King Hussein, and his father, King Abdullah II, commenting on it, “Twenty-five years we have not deviated from the covenant.”

The Crown Prince quoted from the letter of his late grandfather His Majesty King Hussein letter to his father King Abdullah II on January 26, 1999, as follows:

I have known you—my son, whom I raised with my own hands—to love your country, enjoy a great sense of belonging to it, work diligently and selflessly for its sake without showing off. I know you to be determined, strong-willed, objective, balanced, and to work upon the guidelines of the honorable and noble Hashemite principles based on the love and fear of God, as well as the love of the people and humbling oneself to their will, being eager to serve them, treating them with fairness, respecting their elderly, showing mercy on their youth, and forgiving the guilty when possible. These principles are also based on magnanimity, firmness when a decision is reached, and placing the interests of the country and nation above all other interests and considerations."

From the letter by my late grandfather His Majesty King Hussein addressed to His Majesty King Abdullah (Then Crown Prince).

January 26, 1999

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