More than 136k visits to tourist sites in Jordan in January

05-02-2024 05:12 PM

Ammon News - The number people visited tourist sites in Jordan during last January reached 136,557 thousand from various nationalities, according to data from the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities.

The number of visits to the ancient city of Petra during January was 26,489 thousand visits by various nationalities, Al-Mamlaka TV reported.

The number of visits means 'repeated visits' to tourist sites by the same international visitor and also the local visitor, the ministry stated.

The data shows that foreign visitors constituted 70% of the total number of visitors to the ancient city, as their number reached 18,594 thousand foreign visitors, while Arab visitors amounted to 5,669 visitors and 2,226 Jordanians visitors.

According to the data, the number of visitors to the Jordan Archaeological Museum is 20,182 thousand, most of them Jordanians with 12,796 thousand visitors, foreigners 5,573 thousand, and Arabs 1,813.

The rest of the visitors are distributed among several tourist places, such as Mount Nebo, Jerash, Wadi Rum, Umm Qais, Karak Castle, and others.

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