Ammon News - Finance Minister Mohammad Issis, said that the allocations for the salaries of the civil and military agencies, the Security and Safety Service, and the allocations for civil and military retirement constituted 61% of the total current expenditures.
In the 2024 public budget speech, the minister added that the operating expenditures of the civil apparatus for the year 2024 amounted to about JD559 million, or only 5% of the total current expenditures, noting that health sector expenditures accounted for about 41% of the operational expenditures that constitute medicines and medical supplies and consumables are about 58% of them.
"As a translation of the government's policy of controlling and rationalizing expenditures, the operating expenses of the rest of the civil apparatus amount to only JD331 million, and it reflects the government's efficiency in managing public money," the minister added.