Joint statement at conclusion of Putin's visit to Saudi Arabia

07-12-2023 03:08 PM

Ammon News - Within the framework of the distinguished bilateral relations between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Russian Federation, the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, visited the Kingdom on December 6, 2023.

His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Crown Prince and Prime Minister, received the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, at Al-Yamamah palace in Riyadh. His Royal Highness and His Excellency held an official session of talks, during which they reviewed the historical and strategic relations between the two friendly countries, and ways to develop them in all fields. Views were exchanged on the overall current regional and international situations.

The President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, extended his congratulations to His Royal Highness, Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Crown Prince and Prime Minister, on winning the bid to host World Expo 2030.

In the economic, trade and investment fields, the two sides commended the increase in the volume of trade, as the volume of bilateral trade in the year 2022 increased at a rate of 46% compared to the year 2021. They noted the extent of the common economic interests between the two countries, they affirmed their intention to continue the joint work to enhance and diversify trade between them, and working to intensify communication between the private sectors in the two countries to discuss promising trade and investment opportunities and transform them into active partnerships.

The two sides stressed their keenness to continue working to enhance mutual and joint investments in the two countries, enable the private sector, exchange visits, hold joint investment forums and events, develop the investment-attractive environment, provide the necessary enablers, and solve any challenges in this field.

In the field of energy, the two sides commended the close cooperation between them and the successful efforts of the OPEC+ countries in enhancing the stability of global oil markets. They stressed the importance of continuing this cooperation, and the need for all participating countries to adhere to the OPEC+ agreement, in a way that serves the interests of producers and consumers and supports the growth of the global economy.

The two sides commended the success of the 8th session of the Saudi-Russian Joint Committee, which was held in October 2023 in Moscow, to enhance the close cooperation between the two countries, as the meeting witnessed the two sides agreeing on new areas of cooperation between them.

The two sides agreed on the importance of enhancing cooperation in the following areas: (1) oil and gas, such as procurement, supplying and standardizing equipment in the field of oil and gas, research and development services in oil , gas, and petrochemicals, evaluating the use of modern technologies in this field between companies in the two countries, the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, electricity and renewable energy including solar, wind, and geothermal energy, developing its projects and technologies, developing supply chains for the energy sectors and their sustainability, and enabling cooperation between companies to maximize the use of local resources in a way that both countries contribute to achieving flexibility and effectiveness of energy supplies, energy efficiency, rationalization of its consumption, and raising awareness of its importance. (2) The geoscientific field and knowledge exchange, which contributes to increasing geotechnical capabilities through geological, mining and environmental studies, and benefiting from investment opportunities in the sectors targeted in the Kingdom’s National Industrial Strategy, including pharmaceutical industries and medical devices. (3) Environment, water, agriculture and food security. (4) Communications, technology and digital economy, innovation, space, transportation and logistics. (5) Judiciary and justice, and starting discussions on a cooperation agreement between the two countries in the judicial field regarding civil and commercial matters. (6) Sustainable tourism and developing tourism movement between the two countries. (7) Sports. (8) Education, higher education, research and innovation, medical training, technical and vocational training, teaching the Arabic and Russian languages (4) Media. (10) Health.
The Russian side welcomed the Kingdom’s launch of the “Saudi Green Initiative” and the “Middle East Green initiative” and affirmed its support for the Kingdom’s efforts in the field of climate change by implementing the circular carbon economy approach launched by the Kingdom and approved by the leaders of the G20 countries. The two sides stressed the importance of adhering to the principles of the Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement, and the necessity of developing and implementing climate agreements by focusing on emissions rather than sources.

The two sides expressed their desire to maximize the use of local content in energy sector projects, cooperate to stimulate innovation, apply emerging technologies, including artificial intelligence in the energy sector, and develop its ecosystem.

The two sides commended the level of joint investments between the two countries in industrial projects in the Kingdom, including (4) factories in the cities of the Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu, with investments amounting to (300) million riyals.

Regarding defense and security, the two sides agreed to enhance defense cooperation, in a way that supports and achieves common interests between the two countries. They affirmed their desire to strengthen existing security cooperation and coordination on issues of common interest, including combating crimes in all its forms, combating terrorism and extremism and their financing, and exchanging information to confront terrorist organizations, in a way that achieves security and stability in the two countries.

The two sides affirmed their determination to strengthen and coordinate bilateral international cooperation among their relevant agencies to combat cross-border corruption crimes in all its forms, prosecute their perpetrators, and recover proceeds obtained from corruption crimes, by benefiting from the Global Operational Network of Anti-Corruption Law Enforcement Authorities (GlobE Network).

The Russian side welcomed the Kingdom's hosting of the (fourth) Ministerial Conference on Antimicrobial Resistance, scheduled to be held in November 2024.

The two sides agreed on the importance of strengthening coordination and cooperation between the two countries in international organizations, including the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the G20, to confront the economic challenges that the world is facing.

Regarding international affairs, the two sides renewed their determination to continue coordination and intensify efforts aimed at maintaining international peace and security. The two sides exchanged views on issues of concern to both countries on the regional and international arenas, and affirmed their determination to enhance cooperation and joint coordination towards these issues, and to continue their support for all that would establish peace and stability in the region and the world.

The two sides discussed developments in the situation in Palestine, expressed their deep concern about the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza, and stressed the need to stop military operations in the Palestinian territories, and the need to protect civilians in accordance with international law and international humanitarian law. The two sides stressed the need to enable international humanitarian organizations to play their role in providing humanitarian and relief aid to the Palestinian people, including United Nations organizations, especially the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), and to support their efforts in this regard. The two sides stressed that there is no way to achieve security and stability in Palestine except through implementing international resolutions related to the two-state solution in order to ensure the creation of appropriate conditions for peaceful coexistence and economic development, and to enable the Palestinian people to achieve their legitimate rights to establish an independent, sovereign Palestinian state on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital. In this regard, the Russian side valued the Kingdom's hosting of the Joint Arab Islamic Extraordinary Summit in Riyadh and the resulting resolutions regarding the events taking place in Palestine, and commended the Kingdom's leadership in the implementation of the Summit resolutions to start an international move to stop the aggression against Gaza.

Regarding the crisis in Ukraine, the Russian side expressed its appreciation for the humanitarian and political efforts undertaken by His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Crown Prince and Prime Minister, including the release of a number of prisoners of different nationalities, and the ongoing efforts in this regard.

Regarding Yemen, the two sides stressed their full support for the international and regional efforts to reach a comprehensive political solution to the Yemeni crisis. The Russian side commended the Kingdom's efforts to encourage dialogue and reconciliation between the Yemeni parties, facilitating the arrival of humanitarian aid to all regions of Yemen, the financial support provided by the Kingdom to address the difficult financial conditions facing the Yemeni Government, and the development projects provided by the Saudi Program for the Development and Reconstruction for Yemen.

The Russian side welcomed the resumption of diplomatic relations between the Kingdom and Iran, expressing its hope that this step would contribute to enhancing security and stability in the region, in a way that preserves the sovereignty of countries and non-interference in their internal affairs. The two sides stressed the importance of Iran's commitment to the peacefulness of its nuclear program and transparent cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency, and the importance of concerted efforts in conducting comprehensive negotiations that involve the countries of the region, and addressing the sources of the threat to regional and international security and peace.

Regarding Syria, the two sides commended the decision of the Arab League to resume the participation of Syrian Government delegations in the meetings of the Council of the Arab League and its affiliated organizations and bodies, and expressed their aspiration that this would contribute to supporting the stability and territorial integrity of the Syrian Arab Republic, resolving the Syrian crisis and facilitating the safe voluntary return of Syrian refugees to their country.

Regarding Sudan, the two sides stressed the importance of building on the Jeddah Declaration (Commitment to Protect Civilians in Sudan), signed on May 11, 2023, and the humanitarian arrangements within the framework of international humanitarian law, signed on May 20, 2023, to end the ongoing conflict in Sudan and return to political dialogue between all parties. The two sides welcomed the progress achieved in the second round of the Jeddah talks on November 7, 2023, and the resumption of dialogue between the two parties to the conflict in Sudan, with the aim of reaching a permanent cessation of hostilities, in a way that contributes to alleviating the suffering of the Sudanese people. The Russian side commended the Kingdom's efforts in evacuating a number of nationals of brotherly and friendly countries from Sudan, and the relief and humanitarian assistance provided to the Sudanese people.

At the conclusion of the visit, His Excellency the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, expressed his gratitude and appreciation to His Royal Highness, Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Crown Prince and Prime Minister, for the warm reception and generous hospitality accorded to him and his accompanying delegation. His Royal Highness also expressed his best wishes for good health to His Excellency, and further progress and prosperity for the friendly Russian people.


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