Jordan sends 4th UNRWA-backed relief plane to Gaza

29-11-2023 11:44 AM

Ammon News - The Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization (JHCO) collaborated with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) to send a new medical plane to the Gaza Strip on Wednesday.

This is the fourth aid donation from UNRWA, carrying about 45 tons of medical supplies to support the health sector in the Gaza Strip.

According to a statement by the JHCO, the cargo of the plane will be handed over to the Egyptian Red Crescent at El Arish International Airport. It will then be brought through the Rafah crossing into the Gaza Strip and distributed to hospitals.

JHCO is continuously preparing and sending medical, relief, and food aid. They are still receiving cash donations through their bank account at Bank al Etihad (Account No. JO32 UBSI 1030 0000 4010 1659 9151 06), e-wallets, CliQ:JHCOGAZA, eFAWATEERcom, or their website (


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