FM: Palestinians witness bloodiest year in 10 years

25-11-2023 01:56 PM

Ammon News - Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriate Affairs, Ayman Safadi, held Saturday a joint press meeting with his counterparts, Slovenian Foreign Minister Tanja Vaillon, and Portuguese Foreign Minister João Cravinho.

Safadi confirmed that this year is considered the bloodiest for the Palestinians in more than 10 years, and the international community must restrain the Israeli occupation forces and settlers in the West Bank, adding that Israel cannot remain above international law.

He stressed the need to continue working with the international community to stop the aggression against Gaza, noting that UNRWA needs 800 trucks per day to meet the needs of the Gaza Strip.

In turn, the Slovenian Foreign Minister stressed Jordan's strategic and important role in achieving peace and security in the region.

There are active talks for a permanent ceasefire and the entry of aid, she said.

For his part, the Portuguese Foreign Minister called for the necessity of adopting political and diplomatic solutions as the only means to end the conflict in the region.

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