Brazilian influencer Luana Andrade died following liposuction

14-11-2023 12:44 PM

Ammon News - The Brazilian influencer who died during liposuction to treat a chronic knee condition went into cardiac arrest four times after the routine surgery before she died, her family has revealed.

Luana Andrade, 29, was diagnosed with lipedema on her knee as a teenager and had agreed with her boyfriend, João Hadad, that surgery was the best option to treat the discomfort and remove the fatty tissue.

Her mother, Luciana Andrade, and Hadad told TV Globo news magazine Fantástico that the model had done her due diligence on doctors for over a year to familiarize herself how to treat the condition, a buildup of fat tissues on legs and arms that is common in women.

'You have no idea how cautious she was,' Luciana Andrade said.

The young woman settled on Dr. Luiz Benneti to perform the surgery, which took place at São Luiz Itaim Hospital in the southeastern city of São Paulo on November 6.

The next day she was dead.

Benneti started the procedure on Andrade's abdomen area and then proceeded to operate on her lower limbs when she started to experience complications, her family stated.

Hadad had become increasingly concerned because it was routine for doctors to update the family with the patient's condition midway through surgery and they had not received any news regarding Andrade's condition.

Andrade went into cardiac arrest after the two-and-a-half hours surgery. Doctors kept trying to resuscitate her and eventually placed her in intensive care. Subsequent tests diagnosed her with pulmonary embolism.

Benneti's private clinic said in a statement that the four cardiac arrests were produced by the blood clots in her lungs.

Daily Mail

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