Paranormal hotel dubbed one of most haunted in world - only brave can stay

18-09-2023 01:32 PM

Ammon News - A hotel, thought to be one of the most haunted in the world, is open to guests - but only if you're brave enough.

Its picturesque surroundings, however, should not fool you and it's rumoured to be 'one of the most haunted' places in Canada. The Banff Springs hotel in Alberta, was constructed 125 years ago and was supposed to be a luxury stop-off point for train travellers. But its notoriety as a location for ghost sightings is attracting another type of visitor.

Secret Room
When it was being built, original wooden hotel a 'significant error' occurred from from the contractor. And a room was was constructed with no windows or doors, locals say this information was not even shared with the hotel owner. The 'secret room' was found, however, a after a fire broke out in 1926. Ghosthunters say apparitions often seen outside this room in the hall area.

Haunted Room 873
Another room was reportedly a tragic murder scene which led to the death of a family. Thedoor has ben bricked up ever since and looks like part of the wall in the hallway of the hotel. Hotel visitors have seen apparitions outside the boarded-up room and members of the family who were reported to have been murdered here are believed to be responsible for the hauntings.

The Burning Bride
Among the 'terrifying reports' are sightings of a bride who is said to have tumbled down a staircase and broke her neck after being alarmed when her dress caught fire.She has been seen on the hotel stairs and in dancing in the ballroom and there have been many sightings with eyewitnesses saying she has flames coming from the rear of her dress.


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