AI and political path

22-07-2023 09:53 AM
Eman Safouri

In a world where technology is rapidly evolving. From smartphones to self-drive cars, the way we interact with the world around us changes at an unprecedented rate. With these developments are new challenges and opportunities. One of the most exciting developments is the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI). As technology advanced, artificial intelligence gained prominence in various areas, including politics. 

The integration of artificial intelligence into political systems has the potential to revolutionize governance, decision-making processes and public administration. The use of artificial intelligence in politics can lead to more efficient and effective policymaking and facilitate citizen participation in political processes. By taking advantage of artificial intelligence tools such as chat robots and data analyses through artificial intelligence algorithms, political organizations can gain valuable insights into public sentiment, assess policy effectiveness and promote inclusive and responsive governance. For example, smart systems can be used to analyse social media data and identify patterns of collective thinking in e-participation initiatives. This can help policymakers better realize citizens' views and make more informed decisions.

Contemporary realities shape - in a non-linear way - our personal and social understanding of our "future" political organizations and institutions that will lay down the "rules of the game" (or "social algorithms") in our personal and collective behaviors (loyalties, hierarchies, identities…). In this period, "good government" is seen - at any institutional level - as the person who contributes to solving concrete everyday problems. In this context, a policy paper published by the Moroccan Policy Center OCP in September 2018 indicated that it does not Nobody knows what the future social and economic stable pattern will be. But it will gradually emerge within the global recurrent social neural network (RNN). This core will emerge from the intended moves of the protagonists and innovative responses to the social, institutional, and ecological environment. Considering understanding and acting on the political dynamics of the transitional period is a complex exercise due to the permanently mutating inputs to form stable outputs in the future.

A recent example of AI being harnessed for politics is a bot in France that drafted an amendment to a bill for the 2024 Olympic Games. As well, the first national campaign ad to use AI-generated imagery in political ads was when President Biden launched his re-election campaign via a video ad in April 2023, according to an article published via Council on foreign relations on May 24, 2023, which led the Republican National Committee (RNC) releasing its own thirty-second advertisement which presents images created by artificial intelligence and depicts four more years under President Biden. It dragged voters into a new era of political advertising, with few barriers. In raising the use of these technologies, the article has also claimed that these emerging technologies are more likely to be used against vulnerable populations, such as women and people of color running for office. But if it is invested in a better way, artificial intelligence systems may solve the dilemma of the impact of unintended human biases on political decisions, which undermine the principles of justice and equality.

The use of artificial intelligence in political systems has enorme potential. Artificial intelligence may re-establish the foundations of how societies govern, and its implications for governance are profound and far-reaching. From streamlining administrative processes to enhancing cooperation between the public and private sectors. Despite real concerns about the ethics and risks of artificial intelligence in politics, it's important to take into account the potential benefits that this technology can offer while subjecting it to regulatory laws that ensure its development in a responsible manner.

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