Ammon News - Jordan's trade deficit, which is the difference between the value of imports and total exports, in the first tertile of 2023 slightly dropped by 2.7 percent to JD2.94 billion against JD3.023 billion in the same period of 2022, according to official figures released Monday.
Total exports also rose by 2.3 percent in the January-April period of 2023 standing at JD2.872 billion from JD2.809 billion in the corresponding period of last year, the monthly report by the Department of Statistics (DoS), which covers foreign trade, revealed.
The Kingdom’s national exports picked up by 4 percent to JD2.682 billion in the first tertile of 2023, compared with JD2.579 billion during the same period of last year, according to the data.
The value of re-exports stood at JD190 million by the end of April, constituting a 17.2 percent drop, compared to JD230 million in the same period of last year.
As for imports, their value amounted to JD5.813 billion, a minor decrease of 0.3 percent compared to the same period last year, which stood at JD5.832 billion.
According to the report, total exports in April 2023 declined by 11.8 percent amounting to JD652.6 million from the figure reported during the same month of last year. Similarly, national exports in April dropped by 11.9 percent to JD605.8 million compared with the figure reported during the same month of last year.
The value of re-exports was at JD46.8 million in April of the current year, constituting an 11 percent drop compared to the same period of last year, while imports amounted to JD1.299 billion, a decrease of 16.5 percent compared to the same month last year.
The trade balance deficit stood at JD646.5 million, decreasing in April 2023 by 20.8 percent compared to the same month of last year.