Ammon News - The average monthly wage for Jordanians, according to data issued by the Department of Statistics (DoS), is 543 dinars, for workers in the public and private sectors.
"DoS" published its data, which included the average monthly wage for the year for the latest survey in 2020.
The data showed that the average income of Jordanians working in the public sector amounted to 631 dinars per month, while the average income of workers in the private sector was 484 dinars.
The data also showed differences between the average income of males and of females, as the average income of males working in the public and private sectors was 550 dinars, compared to 498 dinars for females.
The average monthly income for males working in the public sector was 662 dinars per month and 502 dinars in the private sector, compared to 579 dinars for females working in the public sector and 431 dinars for female workers in the private sector.