Iraq: November oil sales to Jordan at 10,000 barrels per day

03-12-2022 03:41 PM

Ammon News - The Iraqi Oil Ministry said Saturday that crude exports to Jordan in November were at a daily rate of 10,000 barrels, and an average concessionary price of $75.67 per barrel.

State Organization for Marketing of Oil (SOMO) said statistics indicated that a total amount of 300,230 barrels of crude was exported to Jordan in November, at an average selling price of $77.33.

It said that the selling price of a barrel of crude was $6.747 less than the ministry's official price of $82.417, and the value of exports to Jordan in one month was $23,216,785 dollars.

For its part, the Jordanian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources said that expected net saving from a barrel of crude is about $5.66, with total monthly savings of about $20.7 million after deducting transport and refinery costs.

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