Ammon News - The third phase of the Tanmyeh project “Vocational Training leading to Employment in the Industrial Sector” has been launched.
Irbid Governor Radwan Al Otoum, Frist Counsellor at the French embassy Janaina Herrera, Director of the French Development Agency (AFD) Laurent Dorries, and Chairman of Irbid Chamber of Industry Hani Abu Hassan attended the launch event.
During the launch, a cooperation agreement was signed between the Business Development Centre (BDC) and the Irbid Chamber of Industry to implement the third phase of the Tanmyeh project.
The Tanmyeh project aims to train 2,000 Jordanian and Syrian young men and women for three years in East Amman, Zarqa and Irbid, in specialised vocational training based on the real needs of the industrial sector.
In Irbid Governorate, the project aims to reach 1,000 young people, 30 per cent of whom are Syrian refugees and 50 per cent of them girls. The programme will train and employ 700 of them within industrial companies, according to the available professions.
BDC Director General Ghaleb Hejazi said that the project aims to provide a networking platform for young people for finding job opportunities in partnership with the private sector.
The Tanmyeh project is implemented by the BDC and funded by the French Agency in partnership between the public and private sectors.
The BDC is a Jordanian non-profit organisation that contributes to economic development by designing and implementing a set of development programmes that help Jordanian youth engage in the labour market through employment and entrepreneurship.