Ammon News - Royal initiatives aim to advance Jordanian target communities' social, economic, cultural, health and educational conditions, which prioritize the citizen as the end beneficiary of development, Royal Hashemite Court Chief Yousef Issawi, head of the follow-up committee for the implementation of Royal Initiatives, said.
Lecturing on Saturday, at northern Irbiad governorate, in the presence of dignitaries and representatives of the local community, Issawi noted Royal initiatives "truly" reflect His Majesty King Abdullah II's vision, and are implemented within a roadmap based on coordination and cooperation with government departments and partnerships with various institutions.
Under the King's direct directives, work is underway to expand base of Royal initiatives, to include the largest possible groups of citizens in the targeted communities, he pointed out.
Issawi also referred to His Majesty's attention to support young people, provide them with skills to excel and and spur their engagement in the Kingdom's development process.
On future plans, he said Royal initiatives to establish productive projects aims to provide job opportunities for young people, especially women, in areas with high unemployment rates, by establishing productive branches for factories and large companies, after undergoing training programs to qualify to work in these plants.