Ammon News - The Cabinet Sunday approved the reasons for the draft "Food Security Council law for 2022" and referred it to the Legislation and Opinion Bureau for submission to the Legal Committee.
The draft law comes in light of the issuance of the Economic Modernisation Vision of 2022-2033, which stipulates that a specialised body on food security must be established to reduce Jordan's vulnerability to international food crises and climate change.
The Cabinet approved the mandating reasons for the draft "Act to Amend of the Groundwater Monitoring Law for 2022" to keep Jordan abreast with the water sector's challenges, develop legislation to govern the sector, achieve balance and maintain the safe extraction of aquifers.
The amendment aims to support the agricultural sector and farmers across Jordan who obtained water extraction licenses by adding a new provision related to the prices of water extracted from wells with salinity in Jordan, including Azraq.
The Council agreed on the reasons for the draft "Act to Amend of Assistance Fund for Victims of Human Trafficking for 2022" in implementing the provisions of Article (14) of the Prevention of Human Trafficking Law.