26-06-2022 01:26 PM
Executive Director of the Eastern Mediterranean Public Health Network (EMPHNET) Mohannad Al Nsour has been elected as vice president of Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network's (GOARN) steering committee.
The World Health organization's GOARN houses 250 technical institutions and networks globally that respond to acute public health events by deploying staff and resources to affected countries, according to an EMPHNET statement released Sunday.
Coordinated by an Operational Support Team based at the WHO headquarters in Geneva and governed by a Steering committee, GOARN aims to deliver prompt and effective support to prevent and control infectious disease outbreaks and public health emergencies when requested, it added.
It noted that the Steering Committee (SCOM) of GOARN is a representative body of 21 partner institutions that oversee the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the Network activities and strategic goals.
The committee fulfills the following functions: approving and monitoring the implementation of the Network’s work plan, approving the terms of reference and monitoring the activities of Technical Working Groups and Standing Sub-Committees, approving the addition of new institutions/organizations/networks to the Network, and advocating for the network and representing the network at key public health events.
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